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全国高校英語ディベート連盟 理事長
下屋 浩実




HEnDA Make-Friends憲章

HEnDA Make-Friends憲章 全国高校英語ディベート連盟(HEnDA)


高潔 勝っても驕らず、負けても潔くあります。自分の経験を生かし、 より高い目標へと踏み出します。
探求 他のメンバーに知識を出し惜しみすることなく、知恵やディベート・スキルを つねに探求していきます。
フェア・プレー 大会ルールを守ることはもとより、最高レベルのフェア・プレーを心がけます。
協働 素晴らしい大会を作りあげることに積極的に協働する責任ある一員として つねにふるまいます。
友情 この大会の真のゴールは勝敗ではなく、友情を育むことであることを理解し、 他の参加メンバーに敬意を払います。


HEnDA Make-Friends Pledge All Japan High School English Debate Association (HEnDA)

As a member of the HEnDA High School Debate Tournament, I hereby declare that I will strive to develop my integrity as I work with others to inquire into the wisdom and skills of debate. I also pledge to collaborate, in a spirit of fair play, in order to make the tournament a success. Most important of all, I pledge to respect and make friends with fellow members.

INTEGRITY I will be a humble winner and a good loser. I will make the best use of my experience to pursue higher goals.
INQUIRY I will always inquire into the wisdom and skills of debate, jointly with other members, never unwilling to share my knowledge with them.
FAIR PLAY I will pursue the highest standard of fair play, beyond just abiding by the tournament rules.
COLLABORATION I will always act as a responsible member who actively helps others to make the tournament a great success.
FRIENDSHIP I accept that the most important goal of this tournament is not to win or lose but to make friends, and always respect other fellow members.

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